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A window into our patients lives

Domiciliary offers audiologists the opportunity to enter the patient's world to evaluate their needs more efficiently, provide a better customer experience, and make a difference to their lives.

We speak to Paul Cutler, who joined us as a domiciliary audiologist just over a year ago.

OC: Hi Paul, thanks for chatting with us today. What do you think of domiciliary audiology?

P: Of course! It is fantastic. It provides a window into our patient's worlds that can never be achieved in a branch-based clinic. Every day is an adventure in domiciliary.

OC: It makes such a difference being in the patients home. What's the best bit about the job for you?

P: The gratitude I receive daily is humbling. The benefit of offering NHS hearing aids on the same day as the test has allowed me to share some incredibly emotional experiences with my patients.

OC: That's lovely! You're making such a difference to people's lives. How does this role differ from the roles that you have had in the past?

P:Most of my time is spent testing and dispensing, which I love. High street tends to be daily services and cleaning of hearing aids, so I have much more variety in domiciliary which I love.

OC: What is a typical working day like for you?

P: Typically, I will complete four hearing tests in a day. I am out of the house at 7:45 AM and typically home between 6-6:30PM. Some days can be long, but I feel I am rewarded and supported for my work.

OC: Can you tell us more about the audiology equipment that you use to make home-testing possible?

P: The equipment is functional and easy to use, and it's simple to pack and unpack- there is little time wasted. The fact that we are domiciliary does not mean we are spending lots of time setting up, so it doesn't eat into the working day as some might think.

OC: What skills do you believe you need for this role?

P: A strong work ethic, empathy, good clinical knowledge and confidence in your ability are probably key. It's also handy that you are genuinely interested in the life stories of the patients.

OC: What would you say are the best things about the role?

P: Structure, weekends off, support from the office teams, opportunities to dispense hearing aids daily and generally working with a great group of people.

OC: How has your life changed since starting with OutsideClinic?

P: I can honestly say this is the best role in audiology that I have ever had, so job satisfaction has improved immensely. It's also lovely to switch off at the weekends, and it's nice not having to drive to the same place daily.

Like Paul, if you want to take audiology into the patients home and be the difference in someone's life than give our recruitment team a call on 01793 648 607 to see what we have available in your area.


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