Eye health

Eye tests aren’t just about checking your vision or making sure you have the right glasses – they’re a vital part of your overall health care. Let’s discover why…

Why eye health is so important

Lots of eye health conditions have no early symptoms, making them difficult to spot. If missed, some of these conditions can damage your eyesight or eye health – which is why frequent testing is so important. Optometrists typically recommend annual NHS sight tests for those over 70, and people with diabetes or a family history of glaucoma. But frequent check-ups are important for all of us.

The ageing eye

Report reveals gap in people's eye care knowledge

Four reasons why you should have a sight test

Nine eye health signs to look out for in elderly relatives

The hidden impact of missing an eye test

Vision changes as we age

How do I know if I need a sight test?

How often do I need an eye test?

Sight loss: what you need to know

Why is my vision blurry?

Why is my eyesight getting worse?

Eye conditions

Learning about and understanding your condition can help calm anxiety. It can also help you spot early signs, helping you prevent such conditions altogether. Here is a list of conditions with useful resources:

Can eye health be improved?

Thankfully, yes! Making subtle changes to your lifestyle can help improve your eye health and minimise your risk of developing conditions in older age. Our experts will explain more during your appointment.

Five Ways to Take Care of Your Eyes This Winter

Five Ways to Take Care of Your Eyes This Summer

Does our diet affect our eyes?

Protect your eyes this winter

Ten simple steps for eyes sight care

Where can I have an eye test?

You don’t have to visit your optician to test your eyes. If you struggle to get out and about, you may qualify for a free, NHS funded home visit, bringing our expertise to the comfort of your own home.

Our technology

Am I eligible for an NHS eye test?

Home eye tests are available for everybody. If you’re NHS eligible, you won’t have to pay a penny. Otherwise, you can benefit from a home test from just £60.

Click the link below for our full guide to the eligibility criteria.

NHS entitlement

Eligibility form

Find out more

Simulating eye conditions

Last week some of our staff went about their daily tasks in the office while wearing the Vine Simulation Specs.

Read more

Does our diet affect our eyes?

How many of us go on diets with our eyes and vision in mind?

Read more

Book an eye test today

Please fill in the form to request a home eye test and one of our team will be in touch. 

If you have any questions, please call our friendly team on 0800 60 50 40.

Book an eye test