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Why you should wear your glasses

If you need glasses but don't always use them, we're going to explore why you should wear your glasses. Did you know that not wearing glasses is the leading cause of preventable sight loss?

Why you should wear your glasses

Wearing your glasses can help prevent eye strain, eye fatigue, headaches and potentially even your eyesight from deteriorating.

When someone needs help walking, they use a walking stick or zimmer frame - and glasses are the walking stick for your eyesight!

Wear the correct pair!

However, you should also make sure the glasses you use are your most up-to-date and correct pair.

This advice is particularly crucial if you need:

 One pair of glasses, but still have an older pair.

 A pair of reading glasses and a pair of distance glasses.

It's essential to wear the correct pair for the relevant tasks so that your vision is as clear as possible.

For instance, wear reading glasses for close up tasks like reading and knitting, and distance glasses for driving or watching TV.

Wearing the correct glasses is a crucial step in how you can care for your eyes daily.

You can get an up-to-date prescription by having a regular sight test. Do you know how often you should have a sight test?

The benefit of wearing the correct glasses

Wearing the correct glasses is key to being able to see better and live better.

Your current prescription may be stronger than an old pair, which helps your vision to be sharper and more clear.

This is particularly important if you are living with a refractive error or eye health conditions such as cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration or diabetic retinopathy.

Wearing the wrong glasses (including an old prescription) can be just as harmful to your vision as not wearing glasses at all.

As a result, poor vision can increase your risk of falls and reduce your independence, which can cause physical and emotional damage.

So, next time you should be using your glasses, make sure you put them on!

Book an eye test today

Please fill in the form to request a home eye test and one of our team will be in touch. 

If you have any questions, please call our friendly team on 0800 60 50 40.

Book an eye test

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