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What to expect at an at-home eye test

Rest assured, an eye test is a comfortable and non-invasive procedure that poses no cause for concern.

Here at OutsideClinic, we make eye care accessible for those who cannot pop down to the high street unaccompanied.

The home eye test that we carry out is the same as an eye test you'd receive from the high street. The only difference is we carry out a sight test in the comfort of your own home using portable equipment.

What happens during an eye test at home?

  1. Prior to having the test, you will have received a communication confirming the date of your appointment. Unless you are the first appointment of the day, you’ll receive a phone call first thing on the day of your appointment to let you know what time they expect to be with you.
  2. The Optician will then arrive at the specified time with their portable testing equipment. They will be wearing an ID badge confirming they work at OutsideClinic.
  3. The first thing they will do is sit down with you, check your personal details, and ask some questions about your medical history and any symptoms you’ve been experiencing.
  4. They will then place a screen (an eye test chart) a few metres in front of you and ask you to read different sized letters from the screen.
  5. They will then use a tonometer to measure your eye pressure. This is a more comfortable alternative to the puff of air test you may have had in the past. You may feel a slight tickle during this bit, but it is not painful.
  6. Then, they will check the health of your eyes using an ophthalmoscope. This involves shining a light into your eye.
  7. They’ll then work out your prescription. To do this, they will look at your eyes using a retinoscope. The Optician will ask you to look at the eye test chart and tell them whether the letters are clearer with or without various lenses.
  8. They will then clearly explain the results of your eye test to you. They will discuss any health issues that need following up and any updates to your prescription. You will have the opportunity to ask as many questions as you’d like.
  9. If you require new glasses, the Optician will show you a wide range of comfortable frames and help you choose the right ones for you. You can try on as many as you’d like to see how they look and feel. You can choose from single vision, bifocal, varifocal, colour tinting and many more.
  10. Once you’ve made your choice, the Optician will take payment, and arrange for your glasses to be delivered to your home. This is usually takes a maximum of 28 days.

How long does an eye take?

The process of an eye test from start to finish tends to take around an hour. This includes the time it takes for the Optician to confirm all your details at the start and explain the results to you at the end.

How do I prepare for an eye test at home?

The Optician will need to know what your current glasses prescription is, so it’s worth having your current glasses to hand for them to have a look at.

They will also need to know when your last eye test was and what medication you are on – so if you don’t know this, it’s worth getting the information together beforehand.

It may also be worth noting down any changes in your eyesight that you’ve noticed and any questions you want to ask.

Can the eye test be adapted for someone who has dementia?

Our Opticians can use different techniques and equipment to ensure that everyone can have a sight test, regardless of communicative ability.

Most people we help will undergo a subjective sight test (with a letter chart), but it can be a struggle for anyone who is unable to express their answer.

Our Opticians undergo specific training to ensure they can communicate with verbal and non-verbal people and deliver a suitable sight test to each individual. So, our Opticians can provide an objective sight test instead, which doesn't require a verbal response.

Read more about dementia friendly eye tests

What if I am concerned about letting a stranger into my home?

All of our Opticians carry identification to show that they work at OutsideClinic, so you know that they are who they say they are.

They will call ahead of time to let you know what time they are coming, so you know when to expect them.

There is no problem in having a friend, family member, or carer with you during the appointment if it would make you feel more comfortable. With your permission, we can contact the person you want there on the day to let them know we’re on the way.

If you have any other concerns, don’t hesitate to mention them to the Opticians when they call you to let you know what time they will be arriving. Our Opticians are friendly, professional, and genuinely care about their patients, so will do all they can to help.

Book your home eye test

Book an eye test today

Please fill in the form to request a home eye test and one of our team will be in touch. 

If you have any questions, please call our friendly team on 0800 60 50 40.

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