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Are red or painful eyes normal?

Do you know if it's normal to have red or painful eyes? Firstly, it's vital to understand that red eyes and painful eyes are two separate concerns. While eyes can sometimes be red and painful at the same time, other times, they may be red, or painful.

Are red or painful eyes normal?

Red or painful eyes are not normal.

They are usually a symptom of an underlying eye condition or an eye injury.

Nevertheless, it's better to be safe and contact your local optician, not your GP.

Remember to consider your family history of eye health!

Red eyes

While red eyes are not normal, they're usually nothing to worry about.

Sometimes they may get better after a few days.

However, you should still ring your local optician as they may want to inspect your eye to be on the safe side.

Red eyes are often a symptom of a minor condition, irritation or burst blood vessel.

It's common for red eyes to cause discomfort or itchiness, but try to avoid rubbing your eyes.

Painful eyes

Painful eyes are not normal, and you should contact your local optician immediately.

Pain can be inside or on the surface of your eye, in your eye socket or behind your eye.

You must tell the optician exactly where the pain is so that they're able to diagnose the cause of your pain.

Also, if you have glaucoma or are at risk of developing the condition, you must contact your optician immediately.

Other symptoms

Sometimes when eyes are red or painful, you may experience other symptoms such as flashing lights, double vision, discharge.

If you experience these symptoms alongside pain or redness, you should contact your local optician urgently.

You should describe your symptoms clearly and accurately when asked by optical advisors or your optometrist.

Book an eye test today

Please fill in the form to request a home eye test and one of our team will be in touch. 

If you have any questions, please call our friendly team on 0800 60 50 40.

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