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Does our diet affect our eyes?

We live in a society filled with scrumptious westernised food served with saturated fats, salt, and sugar. How many of us go on these diets with our eyes and vision in mind? When we discuss or plan to implement healthy eating, we tend to do so with the thought of getting in shape.

Well, eating better plays an essential role in helping us look after our eyes and vision. However, that doesn't mean we can't treat ourselves from time to time; it is all about balance. You see, the nutrients that we gain from the right foods help us stay fit and strong, leaving us to feel better overall and this also applies to the eyes.

After all, a clean gut provides a stronger mind. While on the other hand, indulging in too many foods high in saturated fats or lacking the nutrients we need can cause gradual harm, which may creep up on us later on in life.  

Nutrition, Nutrition, Nutrition

'It is all about nutrition, nutrition, nutrition.'

Over the past 18 months, there has been a rise in the discussion of healthy eating and taken daily vitamins. Since the pandemic hit last year, people have started to look at their overall health and how their diet can help, especially those at risk. Implementing vitamins to their diet has been a big focus, and getting used to the idea of taking vitamins daily can also help prevent eye-related problems, for example;

  • lutein
  • zeaxanthin
  • vitamins A, C, and E
  • beta-carotene
  • omega-3 fatty acids    
  • Zinc

Now, although a bad diet is not the driving force of problems that can happen with our eyes and vision as we age, there are risks involved with a diet made up of junk food, fizzy juice, deep-fried food, etc., as such foods can cause weight gain, and this could contribute to diabetes. Diabetes can play a massive part in problems with our eyes and vision. For example, people with diabetes tend to develop cataracts at a younger age than other adults. 

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Please fill in the form to request a home eye test and one of our team will be in touch. 

If you have any questions, please call our friendly team on 0800 60 50 40.

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