Home hearing tests with the UK's leading provider

Your local audiologists, now at your doorstep.

Welcome to OutsideClinic, where we specialise in bringing expert, personalised hearing tests directly to you.

With over 35 years of dedicated experience, our local audiologists are committed to providing specialised hearing care in your area, ensuring comfort and quality right where you need it most - at home.

No travel, no waiting rooms, no stress

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State-of-the-art portable testing equipment

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No rushed appointments - the test will take as long as needed

Wide range of hearing aids, personalised to your needs

Book your home hearing test

Your home hearing test

Conducted by a qualified, trained and registered hearing specialist from OutsideClinic.

First, we’ll examine the health of your ear canal and outer ear. Then we’ll measure your level of hearing. Should you need, we can help you find the best hearing aid, before providing free fitting and aftercare. Get started by booking today.

Trusted hearing specialists

Achieving the gold standard of excellence for hearing service delivery.

OutsideClinic is the only domiciliary audiology provider to have achieved the IQIPS standard which covers both our Private and NHS services.

Improving Quality in Physiological Services (IQIPS) is a professionally-led accreditation programme awarded by United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS). It is a kite mark for high quality processes within a hearing care provider’s organisation. Strongly supported by NHS England, the Royal College of Physicians and recognised by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), accreditation brings national recognition with a badge of quality.

The Assessment Team takes a holistic approach to determine the service’s overall ability to consistently deliver the best possible diagnosis and care to its patients and users. The standards which have to be met run to 30 pages and are assessed on an annual basis.

Your hearing is in safe hands with OutsideClinic.

Your choice of hearing aids

Hearing aids come in different styles, with different features. We offer a full range of hearing aids from the best manufacturers.

Our specialist will help you choose what’s right for you, based on your hearing loss, lifestyle, and budget. We’ll be transparent about cost, and you can rest assured there are no hidden extras.